Isaac Abbey Jr.
Isaac Abbey Jr. was born October 31, 1753, in Windham, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut, and died after 1820 in Ashford Twp., Windham Co., CT, at age Unknown. He is the son of Isaac Abbey Sr. of Windham, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut, and Eunice Church of Groton, New London Co., Colony of Connecticut.
Anne Carter was born about 1753, probably in the Province of New York, and may have died about in 1797, in Windham Co., CT, at about age 44. She is the daughter of Peter Carter of Unknown, and Dorcas Potts, of Unknown.
Kay Koslan comments to Leigh Larson, September 28, 2024: Since we can’t find Peter Carter, father of Anne, I’m going to bet on Dorcas Potts was Anne’s mother. Potts sounds like an English name. The other 2 names of Anne and Isaac Jr. for their children were Isaac and Nathaniel, names of Uncle Nathaniel and father Isaac, Jr. or grandfather Isaac, Sr. There was a 4th child in the Census- maybe Clement Neff... Or was there another child, Peter Carter Abbe? No matter, we now two more distant grandparents, Peter Carter and Ann Carter Abbey.
Isaac Abbey Jr. and Anne Carter were married about 1770, possibly in the Province of New York.
Isaac Abbey Jr. and Anne (Carter) Abbey had three children:
Anne (Carter) Abbey may have died about 1797, probably in Ashford, Windham Co., CT.
Isaac Abbey Jr. then may have married Jemima Knowlton.
Jemima Knowlton was born April 22, 1759, in Ashford, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut, and died November 4, 1849, in Fabius, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 90. Cause of death was Palsy of 4-1/2 months. She is the daughter of Thomas Knowlton of Ashford, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut, and Bridget Bosworth of Ashford, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut.```````
Isaac Abbey Jr. and Jemima Knowlton were possibly married about September 15, 1798, in Ashford, Windham Co., CT.
Isaac Abbey Jr. and Jemima (Knowlton) Abbey had no children.
Isaac Abbey Jr. and Jemima (Knowlton) Abbey were possibly either separated or divorced about 1805 in Ashford, Windham Co., CT. It appears that Jemima (Knowlton) Abbey then preferred to use her maiden name of Jemima Knowlton in subsequent census records.
The Province of New York (1664-1783) (Dutch: Provincie Nieuw-Nederland or Provincie New York) was a British colony which included most of the present U. S. State of New York. The province originally included the current states of New Jersey, Delaware and Vermont, along with inland portions of Massachusetts and Maine. The province was named for James, Duke of York and brother to Charles II in 1664, when the colony was won from the Dutch.
On April 19, 1775, the Revolutionary War began, when the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts.
On July 4, 1776, the United States of America was founded. "Founded" means that it was declared independent from the Kingdom of Great Britain. The British colonies became independent states.
On September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress formally declares the name of the new nation to be the “United States” of America. This replaced the term “United Colonies,” which had been in general use.
On September 3, 1783, the Revolutionary War officially ended when the Treaty of Paris ratified the independence of the 13 North American states. Canada remained a British province, beginning its separate development as a U.S. neighbor. Another war with England (1812 - 1815) will be necessary to truly secure the American nation.
In 1786, the Colony of Connecticut ceded its land to the American government, and became part of the Northwest Territory.
On January 9, 1788, the Colony of Connecticut was officially ratified to become the State of Connecticut.
It is surmised that brothers Isaac Abbey III (age 28) and Nathaniel Abner Abbey (age 27), along with their sister Dorcas Abbey (age 26), and their nephew Clement Edmond Neff (about age 1), came to Northumberland Co., Upper Canada, from Windham Co., CT, about 1798. They were some of the pioneering settlers of Durham Co., Ontario, Canada. If this connection is accurate, the Abbey ancestry can be connected through their father Isaac Abbey Jr. all the way back to John Abbey, born about 1587 in West Halton, Lincoln Co., England. His son, John Abbey Jr. of Norwich, Norfolk Co., England, emigrated to the United States about 1635 and married Mary Loring in 1635 at Wenham, Essex Co., MA.
On November 1, 1682, Samuel Abbey Sr. bought of Lott Killam and wife, Hannah, of Salem, he being then of Wenham, 6 acres in Salem on Norrice's Brook (12:112), and also bought of James Stimpson and wife, Priscilla, who had been the widow of Isaac Goodell, at the same place, some land in1684 (2:113). On April 3, 1697, he and his wife, Mary, sold those lands described as a dwelling house, two orchards, and seventeen acres in Salem, bounding Anthony Needham, John Walcott, Isaac Goodale, Samuel Goodale, Abraham Smith, Abel Gardner, Joseph Flint, and also six acres on Norrice's Brook, and two acres bought of James Stimpson, to Zachariah White of Lynn, all for £130 (12:147). The above James Stimpson was of Reading and had married the widow of the elder Isaac Goodell. At the time of Goodell's death in 1680, the widow was administrated and Samuel Abbey was one of her sureties. He was then probably of Salem or possibly Topsfield.
Samuel Abbey was admitted freeman of Salem Village, March 22, 1689-90. He and his wife were dismissed from the Salem Church September 15, 1689, to unite informing one at Salem Village; the date of its formation being November 15, 1689. Salem Village is now Danvers. On July 1, 1690, he was taxed at Salem Village, and again, January 18, 1694-5, he and his son were taxed there.
Samuel Abbey of Salem bought of Benjamin Howard of Windham, Conn., for £22 10s current money, half an allotment of land (500 acres), being number 2 at the Center, at or near the locality known later as Bricktop. He probably removed to Windham about that time as he was admitted an inhabitant of that town December 21, 1697, and died there March of the following year.
Samuel Abbey died March 8, 1698, in Windham, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut, at age 51.
Connecticut historic maps: left to right, 1755 and 1768.
This map shows various regions in Joshua's Tract.
This map shows various regions in Windham Co., CT.
This 1856 map shows when the various townships in ancient Windham Co., CT, evolved.
This 1980 Topographical map shows the area around North Windham.
One of the beautiful towns of this beautiful rural county is the town of Hampton. The territory covers about four miles in width from east to west and about seven miles in length from north to south. It lies in the southwest central part of the county, with Eastford and Pomfret on the north; Pomfret, Brooklyn and Canterbury on the east; Scotland on the south, and Chaplin on the west. The surface in most parts is hilly, in many places elevations rising in curious, majestic and commanding forms, giving ever changing scenes of quiet rural landscape to entrance the beholder who may for the first time be spell-bound upon their inviting summits. No village of any considerable magnitude exists in the town, but the central village on Hampton Hill makes up in the surpassing attractiveness of its scenery for any lack of busy life that it may show. The New York & New England railroad passes diagonally through the town, entering near the southwest corner and leaving near the northeast corner. Goshen, or Clark’s Corners, and Hampton Station are the two depots on that line within this town. A line of high hills runs through nearly the central line of the town from north to south. Between and along the eastern foot of these hills Little river runs the length of the town, furnishing on its course water power for two or three mills, which are, however, mostly falling into disuse. Some farming is pursued in the town, but in a business point of view it maybe said that the town is declining. But it cannot be that a section of country possessing such loveliness of scenery and health inspiring properties can long remain in obscure decay. Already the tide has turned in the direction of the coming uses. Whilst the old methods of farming must decline, the new methods and the summer delights which are here offered to the overheated and weary citizen of the great centers of population and business, are laying the foundations of a new system of culture, improvement and profitable use.
The territory of this town was once included in the bounds of Windham. The good quality of its soil and the cheapness of land in this neighborhood induced settlement in the early years of the history of this county. By a land distribution in 1712, Hampton Hill was opened to purchasers. Nathaniel Hovey bought land in this vicinity in 1713, and soon settled upon it. A hundred acres were soon after sold to Timothy Pearl, by one Jennings. The locality was known by the Indian name of Appaquage hill. Another lot, with land on Little river were purchased by John Durkee of Gloucester, in 1715. Other settlers on or near this hill were Abiel and Robert Holt of Andover; Nathaniel Kingsbury of Massachusetts; Thomas Fuller, John Button, George Allen and others. The settlement here was then known as Windham Village. A few sons of old Windham families like Ebenezer Abbe and Stephen Howard, joined in the settlement, but the greater part of the settlers were new-comers from Massachusetts.
In December, 1716, the town, in answer to a petition of the people, consented "that the northeast part be a parish," receiving one-fourth part of John Cates’ legacy, and having two hundred pounds returned to them as rebate on what they had paid toward the new meeting house at Windham. The town then petitioned the general assembly to grant a charter to the new parish. This petition was dated May 9th, 1717. The petition was at once granted and the new society described in boundaries as follows: 11 Beginning at Canterbury line, to run westerly in the south line of Thomas Lasell’s lot, and so in direct course to Merrick’s brook, and then the said brook to be the line until it intersects the present road that leads from said town to the Burnt Cedar swamp, and from thence a straight line to the brook that empties itself into Nauchaug river about the middle of Six Mile Meadow, at the place where Mansfield line crosseth the said brook.” The new parish comprised all of Windham that lay north of this line. The name given to it was Canada parish, from the name of David Canada, who, it is believed, built the first house in this section and kept the first tavern. As his name does not appear on early records it is supposed that he died comparatively young. David and Isaac Canada, whose names appear among the inhabitants at a later date, were probably his sons.
In 1767 an effort was made to secure greater privileges to the society without becoming a distinct town. This plan failing, the society appointed Captain Jonathan Kingsbury to apply to the general assembly for a grant to allow them the rights of a distinct town. This effort was for the time also fruitless. And in this condition things remained until the end of the revolution, which of course absorbed the attention of the people to the exclusion of all minor topics. But in 1785 the people again urged their case, and the town voting by a majority of one “not to oppose the memorial,” the general assembly passed the act, October 2d, 1786, ” That the inhabitants of the Second Society of Windham, and those of Pomfret, Brooklyn, Canterbury, Mansfield and First Society in Windham be constituted a town by the name of Hampton. The bounds prescribed are identical with the present north, east and south bounds of the town, but on the west it extended to the Natchaug river, taking in a section now included in the town of Chaplin. About twelve hundred acres were taken from Brooklyn, a generous slice from Mansfield, and narrow strips from Canterbury and Pomfret. The first town meeting of the new town was held November 13th, 1786, at which Captain ‘James Stedman acted as moderator. Officers were chosen as follows: Thomas Stedman, clerk; Captain Stedman, Deacon Bennet, Jeduthan Rogers, selectmen; Andrew Durkee, Joseph Fuller and William Martin, Jr., constables; and a committee was also appointed to view and adjust the proportion of bridges belonging to the old town that should fall to the new. This important committee consisted of Philip Pearl, Ebenezer Hovey, Josiah Kingsley, Silas Cleveland, Andrew Durkee, Amos Utley, Thomas Fuller and Colonel Moseley.
In 1790 the census showed that Hampton had a population of 1,332 whites and one slave. The greater part of its inhabitants were engaged in agriculture. Colonel Moseley after the war opened a store and engaged successfully in various business enterprises and public affairs. Captain James Howard was early. interested in manufactures, running grist, saw and fulling mills in the valley that bore his name.
The settlement of the question in regard to several bridges was a matter of much concern between Hampton and the mother town of Windham. The committee appointed at the first town meeting was joined by a committee from the old town in appealing to the general assembly, which body appointed a commission to investigate the matter. This commission met at Widow Cary’s at Windham Green, in May, 1787, and after hearing testimony decided that Hampton should pay X10 a year toward the maintenance of the three bridges which Windham had to keep in repair over the Shetucket. Hampton now replied that it had to maintain two bridges over the Natchaug, and in consideration of this fact the assembly reduced the award to 65 a year toward the Shetucket bridges.
Isaac Abbey Sr. and Eunice Church were married April 6, 1752, in Ashford, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut.
Isaac Abbey Jr. was born October 31, 1753, in Windham, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut.
Anne Carter was born about 1753, possibly in the Province of New York.
Isaac Abbey Jr. served in the Connecticut Militia during the Revolutionary War.
Third Regiment (General Putnam), 5th Company (Captain Knowlton): Isaac Abbey (listed as a Fifer) Enlisted May 1, 1775, and Discharged December 16, 1775. He participated in the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Captain Nathaniel Wales' Company in Colonel Lattimore's Regiment: Isaac Abbey was drafted August 24, 1777, and deserted September 3, 1777, and therefore did not receive any payment for services. This report was submitted on June 20, 1778.
Vol Q; P.272; FHL5912; Image 483 of 579; Signed Jun 14, 1779; Recorded Jun 14, 1779
On June 14, 1779, Isaac Abbe sells nine acres & 24 rods of his Land, with a dwelling house, in the First Society in Windham to Ephraim Deains of Windham.
Ephraim Deains Deed from Isaac Abbe Junr.
To all People to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
KNOW YE, That I Isaac Abbe Junr of Windham In the County of Windham and State of Connecticutt
For the Consideration of Two hundred pounds Lawfl money
Received to my full Satisfaction, of Ephraim Deains of sd Windham afforesd
DO Give, Grant, Bargain, Sell and Confirm unto the said Ephraim Deains nine acres & 24 rods of Land lying and being in the First Society in Windham, with a dwelling house thereon bounded as followeth Viz. beginning att a stake and heat of Stones the North West Corner and a Corner of Esq Mannings Land and a corner of Samll Linkon Junrs lsand Thence Easterly butting northerly upon Isaac Abbe Junr land about 15 rods To a White oake staddle with stones about it, from thence Southerly 10 rods To a stake & stones by a Rock Thence South Easterly 32 rods To a Stake and stones running Northerly 10 rods To a Stake & Stones from Thence Easterly butting upon Manning & Youngs about 10 rods To a Stake & Stones from Thence Southerly by Hezh Linkon and Younges land 32 rods To a stake and stones Thence running southerly 10 rods butting upon sd Linkon and Londar, To a Stake and Stones from thence Northerly Two rods To a Stakes and Stones butting up Hezh Linkon, Thence Westerly 20 rods to a Stake and Stones butting on Peck & Hezh Linkon, from Thence northerly a Strate line To the first mentioned bounds be the Same more or less land and one Third of the Wood of sd Abbes Two acres that lies Joyning To this land referencing the rail Timber that is not Cutt down -
To Have and to Hold, the above Granted and Bargained Premisses, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Ephraim Deains his Heirs and Assigns for ever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, I the said Isaac Abbe Junr Do My self my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, Covenant with the said Ephraim Deains his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premisses as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above Written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Isaac Abbe do by these Presents bind myself my Heirs for ever, to WARRANT and Defend the above granted and bargained Premisses to him the said Ephraim Deains his Heirs and Assigns, Against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 14th Day of June Anno Domini 1779
Isaac Abbe Junr & Seal
Signed, sealed and delivered, In Presence of
Paul Hebard
Samll Gray
Windham for Windham June 14th 1779
Personally appeared Isaac Abbe Junr Signer and Sealer To the above Instrument and Acknowledged The same To be his free Act and deed
Corsam Samll Gray Juste of the Peace
Above is a True Record of a deed I received To Record June 14th 1779
Test Samll Gray Town Clerk.
Isaac Abbey Jr. is included in the list of soldiers dated September 7, 1779, by the Honorable Experience Storrs Esq., Colonel of the 5th Regiment of the militia in the State of Connecticut.
To the honorable Experience Storrs Esq. (Col of the 5th Regmt. of militia in the State of Connecticutt Sir the following is a true return pursuent to orders recieved from your honor are as followeth -
the first Division Serj. Thomas Snow Elihu Linkon Stephen Ginning Lemuel Dains Oliver Neff Seth Ginnings
Second Division Serj Samuel Flint Serj Benj Neff Corpll Thomas Kingsbury Corpll Jeremiah Clark Hezh Linkon Ebenezer Ginnings James Flint John Richardson Sylvenus Colburn John Flint Daniel Ginnings Asa Robinson John Linkon Ebenezer Cross Luke Flint Frederick Owen Isaac Abbe Jun Joseph Moon
third Division Serj Benj Flint Corpll Ambrose Aones Isaiah Geessifer Jonah Linkon Nathan Linkon Oliver Spafford Joseph Cross Oliver Parrish Jacob Parrish Thomas Dain James Spaulding Simeon Back Whitman Huntington Stephen Preston Jeremiah Linkon Abner Abbee
in your humble Servent
Maltiah Bingham Capt
Windham Sept 7th 1779
On December 2, 1784, Isaac Abbey Sr. sells some of his land to Anne (Carter) Abbey (his daughter-in-law), paid for by his son Isaac Abbey Jr., of said Windham and also the regard love & good will which I have & I do bear unto Anne the wife of sd. Isaac Junr.
Vol R; P.248; FHL5913; Image 180 of 690; Signed Dec. 2, 1784; Recorded Aug 3, 1785
To all People to whom these Presents shall come: Greeting.
KNOW YE, That I Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County of Windham and State of Connecticutt, for the Consideration of five shillings Lawfl money received of my Son Isaac Abbe Junr of sd Windham and also the regard love & good will which I have & do bear unto Anne the wife of sd Isaac Junr my Daughter -
Do give, grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said Anne and to her heirs & assigns forever a certain piece of Land containing by Estimation Twenty Acres be the same more or less and being in the First Society of sd Windham to be taken off att the North End of my farm Where I now dwell bounded as follows beginning att a stake and stones which is Clement Neffs South East Corner from thence Eastward by Millards line about 100 rods to a stake & stones from Thence Southwestwardly about 120 rods to a stake & stones and from Thence Northerly to the first mentioned bounds With a house Thereon standing and the appurtenances thereto belonging -
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above granted and bargained Premises with the Appurtenances thereof,
Unto her the said Anne Abbe and her Heirs and Assigns forever, to her and their own proper Use and Behoof. And also, I, the said Isaac Abbe Do for my self & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Anne Abbe & her Heirs and Assigns; that at and until the ensealing of these Presents I am well seized of the Premises, as a good indefeasible Estate, Fee-simple, and have good Right to bargain and sell the same, in the Manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Isaac Abbe do by these Presents, bind My Selfe, my Heirs and Assigns, forever to Warrant and Defend the above granted and bargained Premises to her the said Anne Abbe and her Heirs and Assigns Against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
IN WITNESS whereof, I have here unto my Hand and Seal this 2nd Day of Decembr in the Year of our Lord 1784 -
Isaac Abbe & Seal
Signed, Sealed and Delivered,
In Presence of
Jacob Simons
Ephriam Deans
Windham sd December 2nd AD 1784
Personally appeared, Isaac Abbe witnessed Signer and Sealer of the within witnessed instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his Voluntary Act and Deed, before me.
Jacob Simons, Justc of the Peace
The Above is a True Record of a deed I received to Record August 3rd 1785.
To sd Samel Gray Town Clerk.
On October 7, 1785, Isaac Abbey purchased Eleven Acres and 66 Rods of land from Ishiel Spafford.
At a place called XXXX Hill, southerly of Manoah Ginings dwelling house Beginning at N. E. Corner of the Granted premisis at a black oak tree of stones about it by sd road to a white oak staddle & stones then W13 degrees
KNOW YE, That I Jehiel Spafford of Windham in the County of Windham and State of Connecticut for the Consideration of five pounds Lawfull money Received to my full Satisfaction of Isaac Abbe of sd Windham
Do give, grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said Isaac Abbe Eleven Acres & 66 rods of land lying & being in Windham afforesd at a place called ye aaner hill Southerly of Manoah Ginings' dwelling house on the west side of the road leading to Simeon Robinson dwelling house bounded as follows viz beginning at N.E. corner of the granted premises at a black oak tree of stones about it by sd road thence S. 11° W 27 rods and 19 links by sd road to a white oak Staddle & Stones the W 13° N66 rods & 19 links buting Southerly Westerly upon Jonth Chesters land then N 11° E 27 rods & 19 links buting Westerly upon att formerly belonging Benjm Millard thence E 11° S 66 rods to the first mentioned bounds a black oak tree by the Highway buting N on Manoah Ginnings land and is the same that I bought of Menoah Ginings -
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above granted and bargained Premises with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof.
And also, I - the said Jehial Spafford Do for my self & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns; that at and until the ensealing of these Presents I am well seized of the Premises, as a good indefeasible Estate, in Fee-Simple, and have good Right to bargain and sell the same, in Manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Jehiel Spafford do by these Presents, bind My Self & my Heirs forever to Warrant and Defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns Against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
IN WITNESS whereof, I have here unto set my Hand and Seal this 7th Day of Octor in the Year of our Lord 1785
Ishiel Spafford & Seal
Signed, Sealed and Delivered, in Presence of
Samell Gray
Elipht Martin
Windham fr Windham Octor 7th 1785
Personally appeared, W Jehiel Spafford Signer and Sealer of the above Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed, before me,
Coram Samll Grey Just of sd Peace
Above is a true record of a deed I Recvd to Record Octor 7th 1785
Isaac Abbey Sr. died April, 1788, in North Windham, Windham Co., CT, at age 54.
Isaac Abbey Jr. and his mother, Eunice (Church) (Abbey) Stone, are asking to settle the Isaac Abbey Sr. debts by means of a land sale. Thanks to Kay Koslan for locating and transcribing this original record.
Ancestry; Connecticut. Probate Court (Windham District); Probate Place: Windham, Connecticut; Probate Records, Vol 11-12, 1782-1790; Page 262-263, 348-349; Images 433 and 477 of 597; Image 276 of 1092;
Isaac Abbe Jr wrote this to the Judge in Response to the debts of his father, Isaac Abbe Sr. as he saw he had paid the debts, including to the heirs whereby Eunice (Church) (Abbe) Stone, executor of Isaac Abbe Sr. and Joseph sign of on all of Isaac Abbe Sr.’s estate.
Windham January the 6 day 1800
Mr Wilams of Labnon judge of Probats I Pray you to gave Isaac Abbe Liberty to sal the Land of Isaac Abbe Lait of Windham, Decest to Pay his Diats which presents Isaac Abbe son to the decest Isaac Abbe has Paid all most the Diats & has satled with the heirs about the Diats must be paid up & I Pray you to gave Liberty to Begin to the North end of the farm to sal if it takes the hool farm to pay the Decest Daits the Subscriber Isaac Abbe has satled all my Demans fore Pounds Lawful money that I have aganst the Decest astate I have received it in Clothes & Provishen as I am Concern I Pray you to gave Isaac Abbe Liberty Satel the State and I Bleve that At wil Be satled thoust and trouble or grait Espence about Sd Land and the Sd Payment. Isaac Abbe must pay the Judge for debt for all his trouble from me Son to the Decest
Eunice X the widow, and Now married to Josiph Stone of Union in th County of toland
Witness Isaac Abbe
The 1790 U. S. Census taken in 1790 shows Isaac Abbe is the Head of Household, and is living in Ashford, Windham Co., CT. Living there are: a total of 3 White Males above 16 years of age, no white Males under 16 years of age, and 1 white Female. Other Knowlton families live nearby.
The 1790 U. S. Census taken in 1790 shows Isaac Abbe is the Head of Household, and is living in Ashford, Windham Co., CT. It is likely that the family members are: Isaac Abbey Jr., and his three children, Isaac Abbey III, Nathaniel Abner Abbey, and Dorcas Potts Abbey. About 1798, the three siblings, Isaac Abbey, Nathaniel Abner Abbey, and Dorcas Potts Abbey, along with their nephew, Clement Edmund Neff, would travel to Durham Co., Upper Canada.
On September 30, 1791, Anne Abbe of Windham, the daughter of Peter Carter of Susquehanna, purchased land from Capt. Jeremiah Clark Jr. of Hampton, Windham Co., CT. Capt. Jeremiah Clark Jr. was born March 14, 1751, in Windham, Windham Co., Colony of Connecticut, and died August 28, 1820, in Brookfield, Orange Co., VT, at age 69.
Anne (Carter) Abbe, daughter of Peter Carter of Susquehanna, buys 46 Acres from Captain Jeremiah Clark.
Vol U; P.219; FHL5914; Image 369 of 551; Signed Sep 3, 1791; Recorded Apr 21, 1792
KNOW YE, That I Jeremiah Clark Junr of Hampton in the County of Windham & State of Connecticut in New England -
For the Consideration of 46 Pounds, L My
Received to my Full Satisfaction, of Anne Abbe of Windham aforsd the Daughter of Peter Carter of Susquehanna
Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Anne & to her Heirs & assigns forever One Piece of Land in sd Windham containing by Estimation 48 Acres be the same more or less bounded as follows (Viz) beginning at a Stake & heap of Stones being the Southeast Corner and is the Southwest Corner of Simeon Robinson Land and Stands about 2 Rods southwesterly of a large White Oak Tree from thence N 31 degrees W about 121 Rods & ½ to a Stake & heap of Stones from the Sd Line runs N 49 degrees E about 101 ½ Rods to a Stake & Stones a little south of a tract Road from thence South 31 E 30 Rods to a Stake & Stones standing on a Ridge Hill being a Corner of Land belonging to Manoah Ginnings & from thence the Line runs S 12 degrees W about 148 rods to the Bounds first mentioned bounding southerly on Land formerly belonging to Isaac Abbe decd westerly on my own Land northerly on sd Ginnings Land and the above described Piece of Land in the easterly part of Lot No. 10 in the 2nd Tier of Lots from Mansfield Line. -
To have and To hold the above granted and bargained premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto her the said Anne Abbe & to her Heirs and Assigns forever, to her and their own proper Use and Behoof. That at and until forever, to her and their own proper Use and Behoof.
AND ALSO, I the said Jeremiah Clark Junr Do for my self, my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, Covenant with the said Anne Abbe her Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises, as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above Written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Jeremiah Clar Junr do by these Presents bind myself and Heirs for ever to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premisses to her the said Anne Abbe & to her Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 30th Day of Septr Anno Domini. 1791
Jeremiah Clark Junr & Seal
Signed, sealed and delivered in Presence of
Simeon Smith
Jonth Fisk
Windham County of Hampton 30 Septr Anno Domini. 1791
PERSONALLY appeared Jeremiah Clark Junr Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed
Before Simeon Smith Justc Peace
The above is a true Record of a Deed received to record. Apr 21st 1792
Test. Hez Ripley Town Clerk
On November 1, 1791, Anne (Carter) Abbey of Windham, the daughter of Peter Carter of Susquehanna, entered into an Indenture agreement for 6 Shillings Lawful Money, to operate one half of a Turning Mill on Merrick's Brook built by on her land by Robert Coburn.
Page 611
This Indenture made this first Day of November 1791 between Anne Abbe the Daughter of Peter Carter of Susquehanna now of Windham and State of Connecticut in New England on sd one part and Robert Coburn of sd Windham & County aforsd on the other part witnessth that the sd Anna & her heirs for and in Consideration of the sum of Six Shillings lawfull Money and to my full Satisfaction of Robert Coburn aforsd I do give grant bargain sell and acquit one half of a certain Turning Mill built by the sd Robert Coburn on a Brook known by the Name of Mores Brook on the land belonging to sd Anna near the House where the sd Anna now lives with one half the Priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging I the sd Robert Coburn do jointly and severally covenant with the sd Anna to maintain one half sd works and the sd Anna the other half and furthermore each party to find their own Tools the Spindle the sd Coburn now has in the mill there to remain the sd Anna being at one half the Cost of maintaining the same said Mill to be improved one Week by sd Coburn and the next by the sd Anna during the sd Coburns natural Life after his decease to be void and of no Effect
Anna Abbe & Seal
Robert Coburn & Seal
as witness our hands & Seals in the presence of us -
Oliver Rogers
John Kennedy
The above is a true Record of an Instrument recd to record Octor 30th 1792
Test Hezekiah Ripley Town Clerk
Vol S; P. 656-657; FHL5913; Image 684 of 690; Signed Jul 9, 1794; Recorded Jul 12, 1794
From Kay Koslan:
In this deed Isaac Abbe, Jr.; Anne (Carter) Abbe; Jonah Linkon; and Eunice Linkon give to their mother Eunice (Church) Abbe 5 shillings, 80 Acres of land with buildings, a “Beast to ride” to the Mill, ½ Dwelling House, which Eunice (Church) (Abbe) Linkon, wife of Jonah, purchased from Isaac Abbe Jr. and Anne (Carter) Abbe), with the ability to have a variety of vegetables, Meat, 5 pounds of good Shanks Wool, Flax , Wood. This is the house that Eunice Church Abbe and Isaac Abbe, Sr lived in and their land. This is also the ½ dwelling house that Isaac Abbe Sr. gave to Anne (Carter) Abbe along with 20 acres. This is basically a probate record, although there are actual probate records listed in the will. The children are all contributing to the welfare of their mother Eunice (Church) Abbe, wife of Isaac Abbe Sr.
It is my opinion that the Turning Mill that Robert Coburn was to work was located near this 20 Acres gifted to Anne (Carter) Abbe because Eunice (Church) Abbe is to have a "Beast to ride" to the "Mill." There is also mention of Eunice (Church) Abbe having 5 pounds of good Shanks Wool. Eunice was born in 1729 and may not travel as far as she would be 65 years old.
656 and 657
To all People to whom these presents shall come Greeting
Know ye that We Isaac Abbe Anne Abbe Jonah Linkon and Eunice Linkon all of Windham in the County of Windham do for and in Consideration of the Love & good will which we bear our Hond Mother Eunice Abbe of Windham aforsd and more especially a quit-claim Deed of even date with there presents which she hath executed to the sd Isaac Abbe & Eunice Linkon therein acquitting to them all Right Title & Interest she had in and unto a certain Farm of Lands lately the Property of Isaac Abbe late of sd Windham decsd as by sd Deed may appear and five Shillings Lawfull Money by us recd to our full Satisfaction of her the sd Eunice Abbe Give Grant bargain sell & convey to her the sd Eunice Abbe and to her Heirs & Assigns all that Farm of Land lying and being in sd Windham on which Isaac Abbe late of sd Windham now deceasd last dwelt herewith the same may be butted & bounded containing by Estimation about 80 Acres with all the Privileges & Appurtenances thereunto belonging and buildings thereon standing. To have & to hold the granted and bargained Premises with the Privileges and Appurtenances thereunto belonging & buildings thereunto standing to her the sd Eunice Abbe her heirs and Assigns forever and we the sd Isaac Abbe Anne Abbe Jonah Linkon & Eunice Linkon do for ourselves and our heirs Executors & administrators covenant to & with the sd Eunice Abbe her heirs and Assigns that at & until the ensealing of these Presents we are well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple and that we have good right to bargain sell & convey the same in Manner aforesd and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever & furthermore we the sd Isaac Abbe Anne Abbe Jonah Linkon & Eunice Linkon do by these presents bind ourselves & each of our Heirs Executors & administrators covenant by there presents bind ourselves & each of our Heirs Executor and Administrator, to warrant & defend the above granted & bargained Premises to her the sd Eunice Abbe her Heirs and Assigns against all claims & demands whatsoever. Always provided & it is the true Meaning of Grantors & Grantee that wheron the above Eunice Abbe hath this day executed a quit-claim Deed to the aforesd Isaac Abbe & Eunice Linkon of all her Right of Improvement of the aforsd Lands and it is agreed by & between the aforesd Isaac Abbe and Eunice Linkon by the appreciation and Consent of the sd Jonah Linkon who is her Husband that the sd Isaac & Eunice will well & truly pay all the Debts now due from the Estate of sd decsd Isaac & in particular a Debt of Thos Dyer and annually and in every year during the Time that she the sd Eunice Abbe shall be & remain the Widow of her late husband the sd Isaac find & provide for her and deliver the same at the dwelling House standing on sd Premises 10 Bushels of Indian Corn 5 Bushels of Rye 160 pounds of good Pork 60 pounds of good Beef 8 Bushels of good Potatoes four Bushels of Turnips 15 pounds of of good well dressed Flax 5 pounds of good Shanks Wool Twenty Loads of Wood and also she shall have hold occupy & improve the one half of the dwelling House standing on sd Premises half the Cellar (viz) the east part of sd House & Cellar with free Liberty to half repass from sd House to the publick highway and also the sd Isaac & Eunice Linkon shall keep find & provide one Cow for her sd Eunice Abbe for her to use & improve both Summer & Winter She knowing sd Cow and and also shall find her with a good riding Beast for her Use to ride to Mill & Meeting & visit her Neighbours when she shall desire it the sd Grain Meat Potatoes Turnips Wool & Flax shall for the first Time be delivered by the 1t day of December 1795 and so to proceed annually during sd Term that she shall remain a Widow as aforesd and the other Articles Cow keeping & shall commence instantaneously & so to continue from year to year so long as the sd Eunice Abbe shall be & remain the Widow of decd Isaac Abbe to be done & she performed & she performed by the sd first day of December annually as aforsd without Fraud or delay Now know ye that if the sd Isaac Abbe & the sd Eunice Linkon they or either of them or either of their Heirs or Assigns shall in all Things keep & perform the aforesd Conditions on their part without Coven Fraud or delay so that the sd Eunice Abbe shall not be put to threat or Expense in or about sd Matter then the forgiving Deed in every Part and Clause therof shall cease & become void but of Munore and in default thereof the same shall be & remain in full Force & Virtue in the Law
In Witness of all which the Grantors have hereunto set their Hands & Seals this 9th Day of July 1794
Anne Abbe & Seal
Eunice X Linkon & Seal
Jonah Linkon & Seal
Windham County fr Windham 9t Day of July 1794
Personally appeared Isaac Abbe Anne Abbe Jonah Linkon & Eunice Linkon the Signers & Sealers to the foregoing & written Instrument and acknowledged the same to be their Free Act & Deed
Before Timo Larrabe Jus Peace
The foregoing is a true Record of a Deed I recd to record July 12th 1794
Test Hez Ripley Town Clerk
Kay Koslan comments: I don't know if this is Isaac Abbe Sr.'s land or what... I think they are selling land to help Eunice here as well. Once again we have land description in degrees.
Vol U; P.426; FHL5914; Image 479 of 551; Recorded Dec 23, 1794; Signed Dec 23, 1794
In this deed, Isaac Abbe Jr. and his wife, Anne (Carter) Abbe, sell 10 Acres for 16 pounds to Joseph Moon of Windham.
KNOW YE, That We Isaac Abbe & Anne Abbe his wife both of Windham in the County of Windham & State of Connecticut in New England
For the Consideration of Sixteen Pounds L Mo
Received to our full Satisfaction, of Joseph Moon of the Town & County aforsd
Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Moon and to his heirs & assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of Land in sd Windham containing about ten acres to the same more or less bounded or follows viz beginning at the northeasterly Corner at the northeasterly corner at a Stake & heap of Stones being the northeasterly Corner of a piece of Land Jeremiah Clark, Junr sold to Oliver Rogers from thenc the Line runs S 31 degrees E about 31 Rods to Stake & heap of Stones to Jeremiah Clark, Junrs Land abutting easterly on Manoah Gennings Land from thence running S 12 degrees W about 45 Rods by sd Clarks Land to a Stake and Stones by a Brook from thence running westerly a Strait Line 25 Rods or thereabouts to a small rock maple tree from thence crossing sd Brook northerly toward 20 Rods to a large black birch Tree heap of Stones by sd Tree thence crossing the brook northerly then down said Brook toward 20 Rods to Oliver Rogers Line to Stake and Stones from thence easterly to the first mentiond Corner.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises. with the Appurtenances thereof, Unto him the said Joseph Moon & to his Heirs and Assigns for ever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, WE the said Isaac and Anne Abbe Do for ourselves our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, Covenant with the said Joseph his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, We are well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as it is above Written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE We the said Isaac and Anne Abbe do by these Presents, bind our selves and our Heirs for ever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premisses to him the said Joseph Moon his Heirs and Assigns Against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the 22d Day of December Anno Domini. 1794
Signed, Sealed and Delivered In Presence of
Oliver Neff
Oliver Moon
Windham County fr Windham Dec 23rd 1794
PERSONALLY appeared Isaac Abbe & Anne Abbe the Signers and Sealers of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be their free Act and Deed
Before Sam Gray, Jus Peace
The Above is a true Record of a Deed received to record. Decr 23d 1794
Vol X; P.19; FHL5915; Image 302 of 572; Signed Feb 10, 1795; Recorded Jun 11, 1795
In this deed, Isaac Abbe Jr. and Anne (Carter) Abbe sell 13 Acres with ½ well, for 28 pounds, near Clement Neff's house to John Jennings Jr. of Windham.
KNOW YE, That We Isaac Abbe & Anne Abbe of Windham both of Windham in the County of Windham & State of Connecticut
For the Consideration of 28 Pounds, £ - NY received to our full Satisfaction, of John Jennings Junr of sd Windham
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said John Jennings his heirs & assigns a certain piece or tract of land situate lying and being in sd Windham Town in the northerly part thereof butting and bounding as follows (viz), beginning at a white oak Staddle with Stones about it being the northeast Corner Bounds of the following described premises within about 15 Rods of Joseph Moons southeast Corner then runs Southerly bounding easterly on Ebenezer Gennings and Mores Walcotts land about 60 Rods to a white oak Bush with Stones about it in sd Walcotts sd line & thence westerly 43 Rods to the Corner of sd Abbes Wall now standing about 15 Rods Southwesterly of an House landing on the described premises thence northerly from sd Corner the Corner of sd Wall about 14 Rods to the high Way then leaving the Road the line runs northerly butting westerly on sd Abbes Land about 54 Rods to a white oak Stump with Stones on it within about 4 Rods of a Ridge Hill from thence a Strait line easterly to the first mentioned bounds about 14 Rods containing about 13 Acres within said Bounds be the same more or less with an House standing thereon together with one half the Well of water near the House of Clement Neff with the privilege of giving to it for Water for himself and Cattle running, sd Road going through sd Land.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances hereof, unto him the said John Jennings his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, We, the said Isaac and Anne Do for ourselves our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said John Jennings his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents we are well seized of the Premises, as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, We the said Isaac and Anne do by these Presents, bind our selves and our Heirs, for to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said John Jennnings his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the tenth Day of February Anno Domini, 1795
Anne X her Mark Abbe & Seal
Signed, sealed and delivered,
in Presence of
Zebulon Dumont
Hezekiah Ripley
Windham County (Viz) Windham Febry 10th 1795
PERSONALLY appeared Isaac Abbe one of the Signer and Sealer, of the foregoing Instrument, and on the 10th day of June 1795 appeared Anne Abbe and acknowledged the same to be their free Act & Deed.
Before Hezekiah Ripley, Justice of Peace
THE above is a True Record of a Deed, received to record June 11th 1795
Attest. Hez Ripley Town Clerk
Anne (Carter) Abbey may have died about 1797, in Ashford, Windham Co., CT, at about age 44.
Clement Edmond Neff was born out of wedlock May 10, 1797, in Hampton, Windham Co., CT. His biological parents are Judah D. "Jude" Back Jr. and Patience Deans. Patience Deans was probably living with possibly her father, Ephraim Deans, at her child's birth, and prior to Clement's subsequent marriage to Clement Neff III in 1800. By 1800, Clement Edmond Neff was already using the Neff name and living in Upper Canada.
Joseph Stone and Eunice (Church) Abbey were married November 16, 1797, in Windham Co., CT.
Isaac Abbey Jr. then temporarily moved to Union, Tolland Co., CT, by 1797, where his remarried mother, Eunice (Church ) (Abbey) Stone was living.
Vol X; P.120; FHL5915; Image 120 of 572; Signed May 31, 1797; Recorded May 31, 1797
In this deed, Isaac Abbey Jr., now temporarily living in Union, Tolland Co., CT, buys 84 acres of land from Joseph Cross & Calvin Backus in the northerly part of the Windham on westerly side ofthe road leading from Windham to Mansfield.
To all People to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting
KNOW YE, That we Joseph Cross & Calvin Backus both of Windham in the County of Windham & State of Connecticut
For the Consideration of five hundred Dollars received to our full Satisfaction, of Isaac Abbe now of Union in the County of Tolland & State of Connecticut DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Isaac Abbe a certain piece or tract of land situate & being in the Northerly part of sd Windham laying on the westerly side of the road leading from sd Windham to Mansfield & butts & bounds as follows viz beginning on the Southeast Corner of sd tract of sd Land being corner of sd Mansfield road & the highway that leads to the neck land (so Called) then the line runs on the sd Mansfield road about 120 rods till it comes to the southeast Corner of Albel Linkolns Land then the line runs westerly about 110 rods to Calvin Backus’s Land and the southwest sd Abel Linkolns Land then southerly by Calvin Backus Land about 30 Rods to a stake & stones made by Capt Bingham and Abel Linkolns then the line runs easterly by about 24 rods to a stake & stones the east side of the pond north of sd Backus’s barn then the line runs about 12 rods to a stake & stones about 2 rods northeast of the little house then the line runs about Southerly about 8 rods to a heap of stones then the line runs westerly about 40 rods to a stake & stones made by Capt Bingham & Abel Lincoln then the line runs southerly to stake & stones on the highway that leads to the neck (so called) Joining on sd Calvin Backus Land west then Easterly by the highway that Leads to the neck to the first mentioned bounds Containing about 84 acres be the same more or less -
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, we the said Joseph Cross & Calvin Backus Do for ourselves & our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, That until the Ensealing of these Presents, We are well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, we the said Joseph Cross & Calvin Backus do by these Presents bind ourselves & our Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the 31st Day of May Anno Domini 1797
Joseph Cross & Seal
Calvin Backus
Samuel Gray
Sam Lee Junr
State of Connecticut viz Windham May 31st 1797
PERSONALLY appeared Joseph Cross & Calvin Backus Signers and Sealers to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be their free Act and Deed.
Before me Sam Gray Juste of ye Peace
Above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, May 31st 1797
Attest. Hezh Ripley Town Clerk
Joseph Stone and Eunice (Church) Abbey Marriage Record provided for Isaac Abbey Sr. estate purposes.
It is surmised that brothers Isaac Abbey III (age 28) and Nathaniel (age 27), along with their sister Dorcas Abbey (age 26), and their nephew Clement Edmund Neff (about age 1), came to Northumberland Co., Upper Canada, from Connecticut about 1798. They were some of the pioneering settlers of Durham Co., Ontario, Canada. If this connection is accurate, the Abbey ancestry can be connected through their father Isaac Abbey Jr. all the way back to John Abbey, born about 1587 in West Halton, Lincolnshire, England. His son, John Abbey Jr. of Norwich, Norfolk Co., England emigrated to the United States about 1635 and married Mary Loring in 1635 at Wenham, Essex Co., MA.
In 1798, the Parliament of Upper Canada passed a statute defining the boundaries of the counties. Durham was then defined to include that the townships of Hope, Clarke and Darlington, with all the tract of land hereafter to be laid out into townships, which lies to the southward of the small lakes above the Rice Lake, and the communication between them and between the eastern boundary of the township of Hope, and the western boundary of the township of Darlington, produced north, sixteen degrees west, until they intersect either of the said lakes, or the communication between them, shall constitute and form the County of Durham.
Vol X; P.175; FHL5915; Image 380 of 579; Signed Oct 20, 1797; Recorded Apr 30, 1798
In this deed, Isaac Abbe of Windham, Windham Co., CT, sells 12-1/2 acres of land in the northerly part of Windham to David Canada, near the old Cellar where Ephraim Deans formerly lived.
KNOW YE, That I Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County of Windham and State of Connecticut
For the Consideration of Thirty Seven pounds L My received to my full Satisfaction, of David Canada of Windham in the County & State aforsd
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Canada & to his heirs and Assigns forever one piece of Land lying in the northerly part of Windham containing by Computation about 12 ½ acres be the same more or less, bounded as followith (Viz) beginning at a Stake & Stones on Joshua Abbe Junr Line near at sd Cellar where Ephraim Deans formerly lived from thence the Line from thence the Line lived from thence the Line runs northerly on sd Joshua’s line about 49 Rods to a Walnut Tree with Stones round ye Same from thence the Line runs on John Canadas line easterly about 36 Rods to a black oak Bush with Stones about it on the Heirs of Eliphas Robinson line from thence the Line runs Southerly on sd heirs and Jonathan Ashleys Line about 49 Rods to a white oak Bush with Stones about the Same from thence the Line runs westerly to the first mentioned Corner
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances, unto him the said David Canada his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, I the said Isaac Abbe Do for myself my Heirs, Executers and Administrators, covenant with the sd David Canada his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Isaac Abbe by these Presents bind myself and my Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said David Canada his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 20th Day of October Anno Domini, 1797
Signed, sealed and delivered, in Presence of
E John Canada
Parmelia Canada
Windham in Windham County April 12th AD 1798
PERSONALLY appeared Isaac Abbe the Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before Timothy Larrabe Justice of Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed received to record, April 30th 1798
Vol X; P.157; FHL5915; Image 371 of 579; Signed Dec 6, 1797; Recorded March 8, 1798
In this deed, Isaac Abbe sells 8 acres of land to Benjamin Brewster in the First Society of Windham which being near the Neck Road and being able to dig a ditch to water giving him water rights.
KNOW YE, That I Isaac Abbe of Windham In the County of Windham and State of Connecticut
For the Consideration of Eighteen pounds L My received to my full Satisfaction, of Benjamin Brewster of Town County and State aforsd
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Benjamin his Heirs and Assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the First Society in Windham containing by Estimation about 8 Acres be the Same more or less and is butted bounded and described as follows (Viz) beginning at Calvin Backus’s South E Corner from thence the Line runs westerly about 50 Rods to a Stake and Stones abutting northerly on sd Backus Land thence Southerly about 24 Rods to Stake and Stones to the neck road abutting westerly on sd Backus thence easterly about 56 Rods to Stake and Stones abutting Southerly on the Neck Road thence northerly to the first mentioned Bounds abutting easterly on sd Abbe, also the sd Brewster is to have full Liberty to improve a Piece of Water on the Land adjoining northeasterly to the above described Land by digging a Ditch to turn sd Water on sd granted premises and has Liberty to pass and repass on to to sd northeasterly Lot and take advantage of sd Water as above sd
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Benjamin Brewster his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, I the said Isaac Abbe Do for myself & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Benjamin his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above Written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHHERMORE, I the said Isaac Abbe do by these Presents bind myself and my Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Benjamin his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 6th Day of December Anno Domini, 1797
Peter Webb
Bela Elderkin
Windham County fr Windham Decr 6th 1797
PERSONALLY appeared Mr Isaac Abbe the Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before Sam Gray Justice of Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, March 8th 1798
Vol X; P.170; FHL5915; Image 378 of 579; Signed May 5, 1798; Recorded May 14, 1798
In this deed, Isaac Abbe buys 25 acres of land in the northerly part of Windham in First Society from Nathan Linkon near Gordon Welch, John Welch, Benjamin Bibbins, Jonah and Nathaniel Linkon’s land.
KNOW YE, That I Nathan Linkon of Windham in the County of Windham and State of Connecticut.
For the Consideration of One hundred pounds L My received to my full Satisfaction, of Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County & State aforesaid -
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Isaac Abbe his heirs & assigns forever a certain piece or Lot of Land containing by Estimation twenty five Acres being in the northerly part in the first Society in sd Windham butted and bounded as follows beginning at a Stake and Stones at the Southeast Corner of Ephriam Parkers Land and John Waldos Land thence running easterly abutting Southerly on John Welchs land untill it comes to a heap of Stones at the Corner of John Welchs land thence running Southerly abutting westerly on sd Welchs land to a heap of Stones thence running easterly abutting Southerly on sd Welchs Land to a Heap of Stones at the Corner of Gordon Welchs land thence northerly abutting easterly on sd Gordons land to a heap of stones thence westerly abutting north on sd Gordons to a Stake and Stones by a small Maple thence northerly abutting east on sd Gordons land to a Stake and Stones near sd Gordons House thence easterly abutting south on sd Gordons Land to a Stake and Stones at the Corner of Benjamin Bibbins land thence northerly abutting east on sd Benjamin Bibbins land to a heap of Stones the Corner of Jonah Linkons land thence westerly abutting north on sd Linkon’s land to a heap of Stones thence Southerly abutting west on Jonah & Nathaniel Linkons land.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, I the said Nathan Linkon Do for myself & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above Written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Nathan Linkon do by these Presents, bind myself and my Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 5th Day of May Anno Domini, 1798
Nathan Linkon & Seal
Nathl Linkon
Hez Ripley
Windham May 5th 1798
PERSONALLY appeared Nathan Linkon - Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before Hezekiah Ripley, Jus Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, May 14th 1798
Vol X; P.169; FHL5915; Image 377 of 579; Signed May 14, 1798; Recorded May 14, 1798
In this deed, Isaac Abbe sells 70 acres of land to Nathan Linkon in partly in Windham First Society in Windham and partly in Mansfield about 2 Miles north of the Courthouse on the West side of the Road leading from Courthouse to Mansfield. The land is near Calvin Backus, Abel Linkon, and a stake erected by Capt Bingham and Abel Linkon.
KNOW YE, That I Isaac Abbe of Windham Town & County and State of Connecticut
For the Consideration of One Hundred pounds L My received to my full Satisfaction, of Nathan Linkon aforesaid
Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Nathan Linkon his Heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or piece of Land lying and being partly in sd Windham first Society and partly in Mansfield about 2 Miles north of the Courthouse on the west side of the Road leading from sd Courthouse to Mansfield butted and bounded as follows, beginning at Benjamin Brewsters Southeast Corner thence the Line runs easterly to the Road leading from sd Windham to Mansfield butting Southerly on the Neck Road thence northerly butting easterly on sd Mansfield Road untill it comes to Abel Linkon land which he lately bought of Elijah Backus Thence westerly butting northerly on sd Linkons land till it comes to Calvin Backus’s Land to Stake & Stones at Abel Linkons Corner Thence Southerly butting westerly on Calvin Backus Land to Stake and Stones erected by Capt Bingham and Abel Linkon thence Easterly crossing a small pond north of said Calvin Backus’s Barn at Stake and Stones the east Side of sd pond thence still easterly by butting Southerly on sd Backus’s Land to Stake and Stones near sd Backus’s little house thence southerly to the first mentioned Bounds containing in the whole by Estimation about Seventy Acres be the Same more or less.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Nathan Linkon his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, I the said Isaac Abbe Do for myself & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Nathan Linkon his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Isaac Abbe do by these Presents bind myself and my Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Nathan Linkon his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this 14th Day of May Anno Domini, 1798
Edmund Badger
Sam Edgerton
Windham May 14th 1798
Personally appeared Mr Isaac Abbe the Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before Hezekiah Ripley Jus Peace
The above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, May 14th 1798
Vol W; P.96; FHL5915; Image 53 of 572; Signed Dec 24, 1798; Recorded Dec 24, 1798
In this deed, Ephraim Deans sells a certain piece of Messuage land for $100 to Isaac Abbe, Jr for Ephraim’s house, land and caretaking/defending of Ephraims’s daughter Patience Dean and bastard child.
To all People to whom these Presents shall come Greeting
Know Ye that I Ephraim Deans of Windham in the County in the County of Windham for in Consideration of One Hundred Dollars received to my full Satisfaction of Isaac Abbe of Windham aforesaid do give grant bargain sell and convey to him the sd Isaac Abbe of Windham aforesaid do give grant bargain sell and convey to him the sd Isaac Abbe and to heirs one certain Messuage piece of land situate in sd Windham bounded viz on highway East west and South of David Canadas land north on highway it being the lands on which I now dwell with a dwelling house thereon standing.
To have and to hold the above granted Premises with the Appurtenances thereof to him the sd Isaac Abbe and to his Heirs and Assigns forever to his and their own proper Benefit and Purpose. And I the sd Ephraim Deans do for myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant to and with the sd Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns that at and untill the ensealing thereof I am the true and lawfull Owner thereof and have good Right to bargain and sell the same in Manner and that it is free and clear of all Incumbrances whatsoever and furthermore I the sd Ephraim Deans do bind myself and heirs forever to warrant and defend the aforesaid granted and bargained Premises to him the sd Isaac his heirs and Assigns against all Claims and demands whatsoever. Always provided this Deed is upon express Condition that whereas at and before the County Court for Windham County at their Sessions at Windham in August last there was an Action for the Maintenance of a Bastard Child brought forward by Patience Deans daughter to the sd Ephraim against Jude Back Junr and it did become necessary for sd Patience to have Bonds for the Prosecution of sd Suit and that at the special Instance and Request of the sd Ephraim the aforesaid Isaac Abbe did become bound before said Court in a large Sum conditioned sd Patience should promote sd Action to Effect or Answer all damages in Case aforesed she the said Patience make not the plea good, now knows ye that in Case she the said Patience or the sd Ephraim shall in all Things utterly save the sd Isaac Abbe his Heirs Executors and Administrators harmless for and on Account that he hath become bound on aforesaid then and in such Case the forgoing deed in every Part & Clause then shall cease and become void but if otherwise and in default thereof the same shall be and remain in full Force & Nature in the Law.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this this 24th day of December AD 1798
Ephraim Deans & Seal,
Signed, Sealed and deliverd In the presence of
Lebbeas Larabe
Timo Larabe
Windham County for Windham Dec 24th 1798
Personally appeared Ephraim Deans the Signer & Sealer to the above & foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act & deed
Before Timo Larabe Jus Peace
Above is a true Record of a Deed recd to record Dec 24th 1798
Attest Hez Ripley Town Clerk
Vol X; P.238; FHL5915; Image 412 of 579; Signed Mar 30, 1799; Recorded Mar 30, 1799
In this deed, Isaac Abbe sells 25 acres with a house back to Nathan Linkon in Windham First Society in Windham, which was in Volume X, Page 170. Was this to get 20 pounds to pay off more of his father Isaac Abbe Sr’s debt which Eunice Church Abbe Stone goes to probate court on 07 Jan 1800 to request that Isaac Abbe Jr has paid off? Isaac bought the property for 100 pounds in 14 May 1798 and sold it for 20 pounds less in 30 Mar 1799. Perhaps Isaac, Jr had a side deal of the 20 pounds as Mar 1799 is only 9 months from when Eunice goes to probate court in Jan 1800.
KNOW YE, That I Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County of Windham
For the Consideration of Eighty pounds L My received to my full Satisfaction, of Nathan Linkon of Windham
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Nathan a certain piece of Land lying in the northerly part of the first Society in sd Windham containing 25 Acres with a dwelling House thereon being the Same House and Land and the whole thereof which I purchased of sd Nathan by his deed bearing date the 5th day of May 1798 & recorded in Windham Town Records Lib X page 170. Preference being had to the same for a more particular Description.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Nathan Linkon his Heirs and Assigns, That theto his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO, I the said Isaac Abbe Do for myself my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Nathan Linkon his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 30th Day of March Anno Domini, 1799
Hez Ripley Jun
Windham March 30th 1799
PERSONALLY appeared Isaac Abbe - Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before Hez Ripley Justice of Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, March 30th 1799
Vol X; P.257; FHL5915; Image 421 of 572; Signed August 12, 1799; Recorded August 12th 1799
In this deed, Isaac Abbe buys 10 acres of land from Peter Welch, a Negro man near Reuben Welch, Jonathan Ashley, and Edmund Badger land.
KNOW YE, That I Peter Welch (so called) of Windham in the County of Windham & State of Connecticut
For the Consideration of Fifty dollars L My received to my full Satisfaction, of Isaac Abbe of Windham
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Isaac Abbe and to his Heirs & Assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of Land contain about ten acres and is that bounded as followeth, beginning at a Stake and Stones Southwesterly on Land belonging to Jonth Ashley from thence the Line runs easterly to Isaac Abbe’s Land at Stake & Stones about 40 Rods from thence the line runs southerly to Corner of Land the sd Isaac bought of Reuben Welch about 40 Rods Southerly to Stake and Stones from thence the Line runs westerly on land belongs to Edmund Badgers till it comes to Jonth Ashleys land at Stake and Stones from thence to the first mentioned Corner, with all the Privileges and Appurtenances thereunto belonging that the Same more or less -
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Isaac his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof.
AND ALSO, I the said Peter Welch Negro Man Do for myself & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Peter Welch Negro Man do for myself & my Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Peter Welch Negro Man do by these Presents, bind myself and my Heirs forever, to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises to him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 12th Day of August Anno Domini, 1799
Peter XX Welch & Seal
Saml Perkins
John Baldwin
Windham August 12th 1799
PERSONALLY appeared Peter Welch Negro Man - Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before me Samuel Perkins Justice of Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, Windham August 12th 1799
Attest. Hezk Ripley Town Clerk
The 1800 U. S. Census taken in 1800, shows Isaac Abbe is the Head of Household, and is living in Windham, Windham Co., CT. There are a total of 1 Male 45 and older; 1 Female 10 - 15; and 1 Female 45 and older. Leigh Larson note: This would be Isaac Abbey Jr.
The 1800 U. S. Census taken in 1800, shows Isaac Abbe is the Head of Household, and is living in Ashford, Windham Co., CT. There are a total of 1 Male under 10; 1 Male 16 - 25; 1 Male 45 and older; and 1 Female 45 and older. Leigh Larson note: This would be Isaac Abbey Jr.
It is likely that the two census records above were taken during the time that Isaac Abbey Jr. may have been moving from one location to another.
Windham January the 6th day 1800 -
Mr Wilams of Labnon judge of Probats I pray you to gave Isaac Abbe liberty to sal the land of Isaac Abbe, lait of Windham, decest to pay his parts which presents Isaac Abbe son to the deceast Isaac Abbe has paid all most the debts & has settled with the heirs about the Daits must be paid up & I Pray you to gave liberty to begin to the North end of the farm to sal if it takes the hool farm to pay the decest Daits the subscriber Isaac Abbe has settled all my demans five Pounds lawful money that I have aganst the Decest astate. I have received it in Clothes & Provishen as I am counter I Pray you to gave Isaac Abbe liberty satel the state and I Beleve that is Best satled thout and trouble or grait expence about sd land and the sd payment. Isaac Abbe must pay the judge for debt for all his trouble from me. Son to the Decest
Eunice X mark the widow, and Now married to Joseph Stone of Union in the County of Toland
April 3, 1800, Isaac Abbey Jr. land sales from Timothy Wales of Bolton in County of Tolland.
Vol X; P.372; FHL5915; Image 480 of 572; Signed April 3, 1800; Recorded March 16, 1801
In this deed, Isaac Abbe Jr. buys Land inherited by Nathaniel Abner Abbey (deceased in 1798) from the estate of his father, Isaac Abbey Sr. (deceased).
KNOW YE, That I Timothy Wales of Bolton in County of Tolland
For the Consideration of Twelve pounds Lawful Money received to my full Satisfaction, of Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County of Windham have bargained sold and conveyed to the said Isaac Abbe his heirs & assigns forever a certain right of Land being one eighth part of the real Estate that Isaac Abbe late of sd Windham died seized of and being that part of said Isaac Abbe deceased Estate that belongs to Nathaniel Abbe a Son and Heir to said Isaac Abbe deceased and is the same land that is set of by Execution in Favor of Roger Wales Wales estate of Mansfield in Windham County now residing in the State of Pennsylvania against said Nathl Abbe & record of said Execution and the Offense doings are recorded in Windham County Records may be seen Reference thereto being had
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use Profit and Behoof.
AND, I the said Wales Do for myself & my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant with the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of this deed, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, I the said Wales do for myself & my Heirs to WARRANT and defend the above granted covenant with the said Isaac Abbe and bargained Premises to him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns, to warrant and defend the same covenant against all Claims and Demands whatsover. That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the 3d Day of April Anno Domini, 1800
Timo Wales & Seal
Thos Bingham Junr
State of Connecticut At Windham April 3d 1800
PERSONALLY appeared before me the Subscriber Timo Wales the Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
THE above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, March 16th, 1801
In 1801, Eunice (Church) (Abbey) Stone and Joseph Stone settling the deceased Isaac Abbey Sr. land sales.
Vol X; P.257; FHL5915; Image 421 of 572; Signed January 29, 1801; Recorded February 3, 1801
In this deed, Isaac Abbe
KNOW YE, That We Jonthn Stone of Union in the County of Tolland & State of Connecticut and Eunice his wife the said Eunice being Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Isaac Abbe late of Windham in Windham County deceased and the sd Joseph Executor in Right of his Wife by Nature of an Order of the Court of probate for the district of Windham dated January 15th 1801 authorizing and fully empowering us to sell and Convey either at publick Nature or private Sale so much of the real Estate of said Isaac Abbe deceased and will raise the Sum of Thirty pounds nine Shillings & with Costs amounting in the whole to the Sum of Thirty pounds ten Shillings L My and in Consideration of the Sum of Thirty five pounds ten Shillings L My received to our full Satisfaction, of Isaac Abbe of said Windham
DO give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of Land lying in said Windham being a part of the Farm of said Isaac decd of the north End of said Farm described as follows, viz, beginning at a heap of Stones by the Wall adjoining William Amess land about 35 Rods Southwesterly of the dwelling house of said Isaac Abbe deceasd thence running N 40°E 84 Rods to a Heap Of Stones in the Corner of John Fisks land and the Heirs of Elephas Robinsons land thence running At W 2° N 99-1/2 Rods to Joshua Abbe’s land butting northerly on the Heirs of John Canadas Land then S 33°W 42 Rods to a large Chestnut Tree in Joshua Abbes Line thence Easterly about 65 Rods to the first mentioned Bounds containing about 28 Acres & fifty one Rods be the Same more or less with a dwelling house and Barn thereon standing
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Isaac Abbe his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND We, the said Joseph & Eunice Stone in our said Capacity Do covenant with the said Isaac his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, by Virtue of the said Orders of sd Probate We have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above written; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND FURTHERMORE, in our said Capacity we covenant to the said Isaac Abbe his heirs and assigns to WARRANT and defend the above granted and bargained Premises against all Claims and Demands whatsoever.
In WITNESS WHEREOF We have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the 29th Day of January Anno Domini, 1801
Eunice XX Stone & Seal
Joseph XX Stone & Seal
John Neff Junr
Asa Jennings
Samll Crawford
Henry Walker
Windham fr Windham County Febry 2d 1801
PERSONALLY appeared Eunice Abbe Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, & acknowledged the same to be her free Act and Deed
Before me Sam Perkins Just Peace
Tolland for Union Janry 31st 1801
Then PERSONALLY appeared Mr. Joseph Stone - Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before me Samel Crawford Justice of Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed, received to record, Febry 3 1801
Aaron & Zeruiah Stebbins of Springfield, MA; Joseph & Lucy Button of Longmeadows, Hampshire the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Quit-Claim Deed of Isaac Abbe Estate.
Vol W; P.133; FHL5915; Image 71 of 572; Signed Feb 24, 1801; Recorded Mar 16, 1801
In this Quit Claim deed, Aaron & Zeruiah Stebbins of Springfield, MA; Joseph & Lucy Button of Longmeadows, Hampshire the Commonwealth of Massachusetts sell to Isaac Abbe for 40 dollars, the 40 acres land Isaac Abbe, Sr gave to Lucy Abbe Button and Zeruiah Abbe Stebbins
Know ye that We, Aaron Stebbins of Springfield in the County of Hampshire the Commonwealth of Massachusetts & Zeruiah his Wife said Zeruiah Abbe and Joseph Button & Lucy his Wife said Lucy Abbe of Longmeadow in said County of Hampshire for the Consideration of Forty dollars to be paid before the sealing hereof by sd Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County of Windham in the State of Connecticut have and do by these presents bargain sell release and forever quit-claim unto him The said Isaac Abbe his heirs and assigns forever all our right title Interest or Estate in and unto a certain Tract plain of Land lying and being in said Windham in northerly part thereof near Beaver Hill so called on the plain containing about Forty Acres be the same more or less being the South part of the Estate of Isaac Abbe late of said Windham deceasd bounding east sd Land belonging to the Heir of Elipham Robinson deceasd William Ames and Jonathan Sibley south on Land of Zena Cleveland west on land of Joshua Abbe Junr north on the said Isaacs own Land or hence otherwise bounded being the Zerviah & Lucy. Share in the said Isaac Abbe deceasd Estate given them by his Will. To have and to hold the said bargained premises with the Appurtenances to him the said Isaac Abbe first named his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own Use forevermore so that neither we nor our heirs shall ever have any Claim or demand to the Same or any part thereof shall be forever debarred
In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our Hands & Seals this this 24th day of February AD 1801
Aaron Stebbins & Seal
Zeruiah Stebbins & Seal
Joseph Button & Seal
Lucy Button & Seal
Signed Sealed and delivered, in the presence of
Moses Bliss
Moses Bliss Junr
Common Wealth of Massachusetts Hampshire fr Febry 26th 1801
Then Aaron Stebbins & Zeruia his Wife Joseph Button & Lucy his Wife all in their names I personally appeared and acknowledged the written Instrument to be their deed
Before Moses Bliss Justice of Peace
The above is a true Record of a Deed received to record March 16th 1801
Eunice (Church) (Abbey) Stone died about 1802 in Union, Tolland Co., CT, at about age 71.
Vol X; P.467; FHL5915; Image 528 of 572; Recorded April 7,1802; Signed Mar 26, 1802
Kay Koslan comments: In this deed, Isaac Abbe, Jr sells to John Grover of Haldimand, Northumberland, Province of Upper Canada the land that Isaac Abbe Jr. received as a deed from Eunice & Joseph Stone, Zeruiah Stebbins, Lucy Buttons, Nathaniel Abbe properties. properties. (See Volume X; Pages 372-373 and Volume W; Page 133). This land is the land that Isaac Abbe Sr gave to his children and his wife Eunice (Church) Abbe. Eunice married Joseph Stone after Isaac Abbe Sr. died.
What makes this deed interesting is that Isaac Abbe, Jr and Anne Carter Abbe’s supposed children Isaac, Nathaniel, and Dorcas Abbe were in Haldimand, Northumberland, Province of Upper Canada. The 1st legal settlement in Haldimand was in 1797. Nathaniel arrived in 1798.
We can surmise that John Grover knew Isaac, Nathaniel, and Dorcas Abbe and perhaps traveled with them from the State of New York. The State of New York is listed on the immigration records from the book/document written by Fawne Stratford-Devai, Bruce S. Elliot, compiler, ("Alphabetical List of Locations by the Land Board, Newcastle District, 1819-1825", U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s (, Accessed 4/2019; Families (Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto); Part I, vol. 34:3 (August 1995), pp. 138-147 (A-C).) The Stratford-Devai/Elliot document on Page 140 lists Isaac Abbe, being born in New York. This Isaac Abbe, listed next to Nathaniel Abbe, is the son of Nathaniel Abbe (son of Anne Carter Abbe). Thus, this Isaac Abbe was named after his grandfather, Isaac Abbe Jr. The son of Isaac Abbe, Jr is also named Isaac Abbe, brother to Nathaniel (son of Anne Carter Abbe) married to Anne King, died in 1812.
In the 1803 Haldimand census we find Isaac Abbe. In 1804 Haldimand census we find both Isaac and Nathaniel Abbe. From 1803 to 1804, we find that the family of Isaac has decreased by one. The 1804 Census shows an Oliver Bradley we assume is Dorcas Abbe Bradley. This is because, later on we have an 1822 Census showing the widow Dorcas Bradley where Oliver Abbe must then be deceased.
KNOW all Men by these presents, That I Isaac Abbe of Windham in the County of Windham and State of Connecticut, Yeoman For and in consideration of the Sum of Thirteen Hundred dollars to me in hand paid before the delivery hereof will & truly paid by John Grover of Haldimand in the County of Northumberland and the Province of upper Canada Yeoman this Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained & sold by these presents
DO give, grant, bargain, sell claim infer & convey and confirm unto the said John Grover his Heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of Land lying and being situate in the North tract of Windham aforsd containing 80 acres or over and bounded as follows East on William Ames's line south on Joshua Abbes Lines west on Joshua Abbe Jrs Line aforesaid and north on the Heirs of John Canada Late of Windham deceased being all the Land that I Isaac Abbe aforesaid received in Deed from Eunice Stone Zeruiah Stebins Nathaniel Abbe & Lucy Button
To have and to hold the said granted Premises, with all the Privileges and Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said John Grover his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use and benefitt. AND I, the said Isaac Abbe my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, do hereby covenant grant & agree to be with the said John Grover his Heirs and Assigns, That until the delivery hereof unto the lawfull Owner his Heirs and Assigns, That until the Premises proved & proper in my own Right in Fee Simple; and to have the same in Manner aforsd; and that the same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever.
AND that I my Heirs Executors & administrators shall & will warrant the Same to him the said John Grover his Heirs and Assigns against the lawfull Claims & demands of any person or persons whatsoever.
WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 26th Day of March Anno Domini, 1802
John Steiner
Moses Doolittle
Thatcher Gilbert
John Brewer
I acknowledge the above the will entered deed and delivered before me one of his Majestys Jus of the peace for the County of Northumberland
Alexr Chesterton J Peace
Windham fr Mansfield April 7th AD 1802
Personally appeared Isaac Abbe - Signer & Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free Act and Deed.
Before Const Southern, As Justice of Peace
THE above is a true Record of a Deed recd to record April 27th 1802
In 1802, Oliver Neff of Windham, Windham Co., CT, sells land to Sylvanus Colburn of Windham, Windham Co., CT.
The 1810 U. S. Census taken in 1810 shows Isaac Abbee is the Head of Household, and is living in Ashford Twp., Windham Co., CT. There are a total of 1 Male 10 - 15; 1 Male 45 and older; and 1 Female 45 and older.
In 1817, land owned by numerous Bosworth families were scheduled to be sold due to non-payment of taxes
Shown below is Isaac Abbey Jr.'s deposition made on July 15, 1818, which states that he was a Fifer in the Revolutionary War and saw his friend become wounded in the foot in 1775. He stated that he has lived in Ashford, CT, since the Revolutionary War, near his wounded friend.
I, Isaac Abbe of Ashford in the County of Windham and the State of Connecticut, of Lawful age, testify and say, that in the spring of the year 1775 I listed as a fifer, and Hamilton Grant of S Ashford listed as a drummer in Capt Thos Knowltons company, in the troops received by Connecticut to fight the british Troops at Boston, and sd Grant & I belonged to sd company until the next fall. On the 17th June 1775 sd Grant and I fought by the side of each other in what is called Bunker hill battle, under sd Knowltons command, and while we were fighting as aforesd, sd Grant was wounded in the right foot by a shot from the enemy; the bullet entered his great toe and went into the ball or bottom of his foot, I saw the blood gush out of his shoe, and advised him, as did others, to retire from the battle ground, which sd Grant accordingly did. I further say that sd Grant after the battle was in the hospital a long time under the hands of Dortins Spalding & checking the then surgeons of our troops, since dead, and sd Grant by reason of the inability of sd wounded foot was not able to do but very little if any duty in sd company as a drummer of soldier afterwards; another man was appointed drummer in his room, and after he got better he used to do errands for the surgeons & on horseback - Ever since the revolutionary war sd Grant has made his home in Ashford aforesd, where I also have dwelt, never more than 3 miles apart, and generally much nearer, and I have always noticed that he walked lame with that foot, which was wounded as aforesd, as tho' he had to favour it some, and I have no doubt that the lameness which I have observed as aforesd, and which still continues to this day, was wholly occasioned by the aforesd wound. And further the deponent saith not. dated at So Ashford this 15th July AD 1818
Isaac Abbe
State of Connecticut - Windham ssn 15th July 1818 - Personally appeared on the 9th Inst Mssrs Daniel Allen, Jonathan Chaffe, Joseph Putnam Jr., and Fredink Knowlton and on this day Mr Isaac Abbe and each of them made oath that the deposition by him subscribed on this sheet of paper contains the truth and nothing but the truth
Sworn before David Bolles Judge of Windham County Court
I Samuel Gray Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in & for the County of Windham in the State of Connecticut do Certify that David Bolles Esq. before whom the foregoing affidavits have been taken is Judge of Sd County Court. & the above Signature is his own handwriting & full faith & heart ought to be given to his Acts & Deeds as Such. - In Testimony Whenst I have hereunto Subscribe my name & affixed the Seal of sd Court this 27th day of July AD 1818
Sam Gray
The 1820 U. S. Census taken in 1820 shows Isaac Abbe is the Head of Household, and is living in Ashford, Windham Co., CT. There are a total of 1 Male 10 - 15; 1 Male 45 and older; and 1 Female 45 and older.
Isaac Abbey Jr. died after 1820 in Ashford, Windham Co., CT, at age Unknown.
Anne (Carter) Abbey may have died after 1820, in Unknown, at age Unknown.
Nathaniel Abner Abbey, Isaac Abbey III, and Daniel David Altenburg Land Patent Records.
The Barbour collection of Windham Town birth records, pre. 1870, Connecticut.
March 3, 1636: Connecticut Colony was established.
1662: Colony of Connecticut was established.
Connecticut Colony, known as the River Colony, was organized on March 3, 1636, as a place for Puritan nobleman. Early on, the English settlers under John Winthrop Jr. struggled with the Dutch for possession of the land, but the English eventually gained control of the colony and set up a permanent settlement there. After the era of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell had passed, Charles II took the throne. John Winthrop Jr., the governor of the Connecticut Colony went to England to secure a charter for the colony. Charles II granted his request in 1662. The charter of the colony covered both the Connecticut Colony and the New Haven Colony and they were permitted to choose their own assembly, their own governor, and rule themselves with minimal interference. New Haven was reluctant to give up their independence and deliberated for some time before coming to a decision to merge with the Connecticut Colony. Once merged the colony was called the Colony of Connecticut.
Leslie Wilson of Canada has provided the following information.
The 1851 Charles and Oliver were sons of Isaac Abbey & Lucinda Bradley, and grandsons of Nathaniel Abbey b 1773/74 NY d 1825/26 Hope & Mary____ b Apr 11 1777 d Mar 29 1869. If you recall, Lucinda Bradley was the daughter of Dorcas Abbey (believed to be a sister of Nathaniel #1 and his brother Isaac) and Oliver Bradley. Isaac Abbey, brother of the 1773/74 - 1825/26 Nathaniel Abbey, had no surviving issue. Lucinda & her husband Isaac did not help matters because they named the boys, Charles Oliver Abbey and Oliver Nathaniel Abbey!!!
It has been argued that Isaac Abbey, husband of Anne, was the father of Dorcas Abbey-Bradley and Nathaniel Abbey #1. This is possible, but there are many circumstantial factors that argue equally that he was their brother.
1) The Abbey men were not long lived - average age of death (and yes, I removed the ones who were killed in the Civil War to come up with this) - about 50.
2) In the 1790s, very few men over the age of 50, without a house-full of strong sons and daughters between the ages of 14 and 21, took up homesteading in Upper Canada.
3) When Isaac died sometime between March of 1813 and March of 1814, it seems he died intestate - and the property did not pass to Nathaniel Abbey Sr. but rather to David King Bradley and Nathaniel Abbey Jr. If Nathaniel #1 had been Isaac's son, by British law it would have passed to the son. But Isaac died - without heirs it seems - so it passed to the two eldest male heirs of Dorcas (Abbey) Bradley and Nathaniel Abbey, they being David King Bradley and Nathaniel Abbey Jr.
4) I suspect Isaac died of a disease that entered local lore as the Spotted Plague. It seems to have affected only those in the prime of life - two teenage boys died, everybody else was in their forties and fifties. Most were male.
This was not small pox - that had swept through the area in 1811, the people were familiar with it and of those who remained, most had acquired an immunity to it. This disease was especially virulent - death occurred within 7 days of contact, the victim remained lucid until the end - the body swelled and large purple spots, like bruises, appeared all over the body within 24 hrs of death. Believe it or not, I was able to find a specialist in weird epidemic diseases (he once worked for the Atlanta Centre for Disease Control) who agreed to take on the project of finding out what this plague was. It only affected those living in Hope Twp, the only exception was a man from Hamilton Twp who had been called to the death bed of one of the victims to notarize the will. I expected Mr. Lamb would take at least a month or two to work out a possible cause - he came back in less than 48 hours with the answer - a disease endemic to flying squirrels, carried from them to humans by lice. The first case appeared in early February - by the end of April, it had petered out. When I asked him how certain he was about this being the cause, his reply was: "99 percent, and you can quote me."
The scenario is that the men were out cutting down trees (this still is winter time work in southern Ontario), the boys found a downed tree with a litter of young flying squirrels, took them home and divided them up amongst their friends. The lice on the squirrels spread from person to person.
The disease cannot be passed by sputum or touching feces or urine of an infected person or squirrel - it must be introduced into the blood stream by an infected louse, and only a louse, not a flea or mosquito.
Anyway - I digress, although that is the sort of stuff my book is about, not the genealogy. The genealogies are needed to discover the whys and wherefores of the movements and interactions of this 1793-1813 group of people.
Hello, Donna. My name is Leigh Larson, and I read with interest your article about Connecticut's Pennsylvania Colony which appeared in the Holiday 2007 issue of New England Ancestors. Based upon the information presented, I think there is a good chance that one of my ancestors is among the "lost." Isaac Abbe was born October 31, 1753, in Windham, Windham Co., CT. He was the son of Isaac Abbe and Eunice Church of Connecticut. When Cleveland Abbey did the comprehensive genealogy of the Abbe/Abbey family, there were several Abbey families that lived in Durham Co., Ontario, Canada. These Abbeys were called part of the "disconnected lines" of John Abbe of England. Nathaniel, Isaac, and Dorcas Abbey came to Durham Co., Upper Canada, about 1798, and became some of the pioneer settlers of Durham Co. A few generations later some of the Abbey families moved to Wisconsin, North Dakota, etc. When the County histories of these Abbeys were written, one mentioned that the earlier Abbey family was a native of Dutchess Co., NY, and removed from there to Canada shortly after the Revolution. Another U. S. Census of Abner Abbey of Grand Forks Co., ND, indicated that his father was born in Pennsylvania. This is the clue that got me interested in the article you wrote. It is possible that Isaac Abbe/Abbey (born 1753 in Windham, CT) was among the Susquehanna Land Company settlers. Do you have any information regarding this Abbe/Abbey connection? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours, Leigh R. Larson
Her reply said that there was not an Isaac Abbe/Abbey living there.