Walter Francis Blake is buried
in Fairmount
Cemetery, Denver, Denver Co., CO. Thanks to Find-A-Grave for making this image available.

Sisters, Millie Sue Danley and Mary Amy Danley.
The 1870 U. S.
Census taken on August 1, 1870, shows
James Blake (age 52) born in Pennsylvania is a
Blacksmith with real estate of $1,600 and personal estate of $200 and is living in Martinsburg Borough, Blair Co., PA.
Living with him are the following, all born in Pennsylvania: Ellen Blake (age 40),
who is Keeping House; John Blake (age 22), a School
Teacher; Birdine Blake (age 20), a Blacksmith; Jennie Blake (age 18); James Blake
(age 16); Philmore Blake age 14); Packer Blake (age 13); Mary Blake (age 9);
Grant Blake (age 4); and Adda Blake (age 2).
The 1870
U. S. Census taken on June 8, 1870, shows Benj. F. Danly (age 38) born in
Illinois, and with real estate of $10,000 and personal estate of $300 is a
Farmer, and is living in Danvers, McLean Co., IL. Living with him are: a female,
Sarah J. Danly (age 35) born in Illinois, who is Keeping House; a male, William
R. Danly (age 11) born in Illinois; a male, Levi E. Danly (age 9) born in
Illinois; a male, James H. Danly (age 7) born in Illinois; a male, William R.
Danly (age 11) born in Illinois; a female, Minny S. Danly (age 3) born in
Illinois; and a male, James Rudle (age 25) born in Indiana, who Works on Farm.
Mary Amy Danley
was born
November, 1872, in Danvers, McLean Co., IL.
Millard Fillmore
Mary Alice Fluke were married August 20, 1875, in Pennsylvania.
Francis Blake was born October 2, 1878, in Martinsburg, Blair County, PA.
The 1880 U. S.
Census taken on June 2, 1880, shows Filmore Blake (age 24) born in Pennsylvania
to Maryland and Pennsylvania-born parents is a Coal Dealer living in Martinsburg
Borough, Blair Co., PA. Living with him is his wife, Alice Blake (age 26) born
in Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania-born parents. Two children also live in the
house, both born in Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania-born parents: Rollen Blake (age
3); and Walter Blake (age 1). His sister-in-law and children, Nancy Blake, lives
next door.
The 1880
U. S. Census taken on June 23, 1880, shows Benjamin Danley (age 49) born in
Illinois to Kentucky and Indiana-born parents, is a married Farmer, and is
living in Danvers, McLean Co., IL. Living with him are: his wife, Sarah J.
Danley (age 45) born in Illinois to Kentucky-born parents, who is Keeping House;
his unmarried son, William P. Danley (age 21) born in Illinois to Illinois-born
parents, who Works on Farm; his unmarried son, James H. Danley (age 17) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents; a male, William R. Danley (age 11) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents; his unmarried daughter, Millie S. Danley (age
13) born in Illinois to Illinois-born parents; his unmarried son, Samuel T.
Danley (age 8) born in Illinois to Illinois-born parents; and his unmarried
daughter, Amy Danley (age 8) born in Illinois to Illinois-born parents.
Walter Francis Blake (age
20 Years and 1 Month, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, 5'-10-1/2" Tall), Fair Complexion,
a Laborer, Born in Martinsburg, PA) enlisted on November 21, 1898, at
Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA, for a period of 3 years in the 17th Infantry, Field Artillery,
1st Battalion, U. S. Army.
The 1900 U. S.
Census taken on June 7, 1900, shows Benjamine F. Danley (age 69) born April,
1831, in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, is a married Contractor, and who rents his
home, and is living at 622 High, 14th Ward, City of Denver, Arapahoe Co., CO. Living with
him are: his wife of
44 years, Sarah J. Danley (age 65) born October, 1834, in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, with 5 of the 6 children born to her still
alive; his unmarried daughter, Lillie S. Danley (age 30) born June, 1869, in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, a Seamstress; his unmarried daughter, Amy
Danley (age 27) born November, 1872, in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents; and his unmarried son, Samuel T. Danley (age
27) born November, 1872, in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, a Teamster.
The 1900
U. S. Census taken on June 10, 1900, shows Walter F. Blake (age 22) born May,
1878, in Pennsylvania, is an unmarried Private, and is serving in Company F, 17th
Infantry, Santa Barbara and Calasiao, Philippine Islands.
Walter Francis Blake was discharged on
November 20, 1901, at Fort D. A. Brusel, WY, at the end of his term of service,
with the rank of Private First Class, and a rating of "Excellent."

Walter Francis Blake's Record of his 1st Enlistment.
The Altoona
Tribune, Altoona, Blair Co., PA, Tuesday, November 26, 1901
Walter Blake, member of the Seventh United
States infantry, who has been in Manila for the past two years, returned home
Saturday night.
Walter Francis Blake (age
24 Years and 3 Months, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, 5'-10-1/2" Tall), Fair Complexion,
a Clerk, Born in Martinsburg, PA) enlisted on September 3, 1902, at Fort Logan,
CO, for a period of 2 years in the 14th Cavalry, Field Artillery, 1st Battalion,
U. S. Army.
By 1903, Walter Francis
Blake is reported living in Denver, CO, and in the Government Service.

In June, 1903, there was
a story published in several newspapers about a Walter Blake living in Denver,
Colorado, and his adventures with a damsel in distress.
The Altoona
Tribune, Altoona, Blair Co., PA, Tuesday, September 29, 1903
Walter Blake, son of our townsman M. F.
Blake, a member of the United States army, stationed in Colorado, is spending a
short vacation at home. Mr. Blake was sent east in charge of some soldiers to
Washington, D. C., and was granted a fifteen-day furlough.
Walter Francis Blake
Deserted on September 8, 1904; Surrendered on December 21, 1904; and was
Dishonorably Discharged on February 24, 1905, at Fort Sheridan, IL, per Special
Order 33, Dept. Lakes 05.16. Pvt.

Walter Francis Blake's Record of his 2nd Enlistment.
Millard Fillmore
Blake died May 8, 1906, in Martinsburg, Bedford
(Blair) County, PA, at age 50. Buried
in Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg, Blair Co., PA.

Millard Fillmore
Blake Death Certificate.
The Altoona Mirror,
Altoona, PA, Thursday, May 10, 1906
prominent resident of Blair county and a brother of John W. Blake of this city,
died at his home in Martinsburg at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday evening. His death
primarily resulted from a sunstroke he received several years ago, which
terminated in nervous prostration. Mr. Blake was a mechanic of reputation and of
an inventive turn of mind, having been the patentee of improvements in dumping
cars, truss rods, etc, and the inventor of the car, the patent of which is in
litigation in our courts with the Pennsylvania railroad company. He was born on
January 15, 1856, being a son of James (deceased) and Margaret Ellen Blake. His
entire life was spent in Martinsburg and he died in the house in which he was
born. He is survived by his wife and the following sons and daughter: Roland,
who is a soldier in the United States army, now serving in the Philippines;
Walter, in the government service, and at present located at Denver, Col.;
Colonel James, at home, and Edith and Myra, both of whom are married. He is also
survived by the following brothers and sisters: John W. of Altoona, Rev. William
P. Blake of Indian Territory, U. S. Grant Blake of Emporia, Kan., James of
Montana, Mrs. Dr. McCready and Mrs. Alice Wegan of Duncansville, Mary and
Burdine Blake of Martinsburg. Funeral services were conducted at the late
residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. E. H. Smith.
The Altoona Tribune,
Altoona, PA, Thursday, May 10, 1906
Millard F. Blake.
Our Martinsburg
correspondent sends the following: Millard F. Blake, one of our active,
energetic citizens, died suddenly at his home Tuesday evening, May 8, about 6:30
o'clock after a very short illness. The deceased took an active interest in
looking after the affairs of the municipality and was ever watchful of the
interests of the borough. He was a mechanic of reputation and of an inventive
turn of mind, having been the patentee of improvements in dumping cars, truss
rods, etc. and the inventor of the car, the patent of which is in litigation in
our courts with the Pennsylvania Railroad company. He was born in this place
January 15, 1856, and resided here all his life-time. Me was married to Miss
Alice Fluke August 20, 1875. He is survived by his wife and the following
children: Mrs. Myra Beegle, of Virginia; Mrs. Edith Pellow, of Altoona; Roland,
of Montana; Walter, of Denver, Colo., and Charles at home. Funeral services will
be conducted at his late residence Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. E. H.
William Rowland Danley and Marie
Smith were married Saturday, July 14, 1907, in Denver, Denver Co., CO. Marie
Smith refused to be married on Friday, the 13th.
The Denver Rocky Mountain News,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, July 14, 1907

William R. Danley and Marie Smith Marriage
The Denver Post,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Saturday, July 13, 1907
William R. Danley and Marie Smith
The 1910
U. S. Census taken on April 27, 1910, shows Samuel T. Danley (age 37) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, is an unmarried Packer at a Commission House,
and is living at 4353 East 2nd Avenue, 14th Ward, City of Denver, Denver
Co., CO. Living with him are: his unmarried sister, Millie S. Danley (age 42) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, a Dressmaker at Tent And Awning; his
unmarried sister, Amy Danley (age 37) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents; his married father, Benjamin F. Danley (age
77) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents; and his married mother who has been married
51 years, Sarah J. Danley (age 76) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, and with 6 of the 7 children born to her
still alive, who is Retired.
Walter Francis Blake and Mary Amy Danley
were married January 14, 1911, in Littleton, Arapahoe Co., CO.

Walter Francis Blake and Amy Danley Marriage
Mary Amy Danley Blake was a Medium in Denver, CO,
from 1901 until at least 1917.
Benjamin Franklin Danley died
February 3, 1912, at 1534 Boston street, Aurora, CO, at age 80. Buried in Fairmount
Cemetery, Denver, Denver Co., CO.
The Denver Rocky Mountain News,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Sunday, February 4, 1912
DANLEY - February 3, 1912, Benjamin F.
Danley, formerly of 3019 Gilpin street, at 1534 Boston street, Aurora.
Remains at Horan's funeral chapel. Notice of funeral later.
Sarah Jane "Sally" (McClure)
Danley died July 26, 1912, at 1265 Cherokee Street, Denver, Denver Co., CO, at
age 77. Buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Denver Co., CO.
The Denver Rocky Mountain News,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Sunday, July 28, 1912
DANLEY - July 26, 1912. Mrs. Sarah Jane
Danley, at 1265 Cherokee street, formerly of 3019 Gilpin street. Funeral
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Horan's funeral chapel. Interment Fairmount
Marie Smith received a
divorce from William Rowland Danley in July, 1913, in Denver, Denver Co., CO, on
the ground of non-support.
The Denver Post,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, July 12, 1913
MRS. MARIE DANLEY, Who Was Given a
Divorce From William R. Danley on the Ground of Non-Support.

The Denver Post,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Sunday, March 14, 1915
AMY DANLEY BLAKE (Medium), 1729 Clarkson.
York 5186
The Denver Post,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Sunday, March 28, 1915
AMY DANLEY BLAKE (Medium), 1729 Clarkson,
circles Sunday, Wednesday evenings. Phone York 5186
Walter Francis Blake died
December 11, 1917, at Mercy Hospital, Denver, Denver Co., CO, at age 39. Buried in Fairmount
Cemetery, Denver, Denver Co., CO.
The Rocky Mountain News,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Friday, December 14, 1917
BLAKE - Dec. 11, 1917, Walter F. Blake at
Mercy hospital. Funeral Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16, at 2 o'clock from the W.
P. Horan & Son funeral chapel. Interment Fairmount cemetery.
The Rocky Mountain News,
Denver, Denver Co., CO, Sunday, December 16, 1917
BLAKE - Dec. 11, 1917, Walter F. Blake,
late residence, 2947 South Fox street. Funeral services will be held from W.
P. Horan & Son funeral chapel today at 2 p.m. Interment Fairmount.
The Altoona Tribune,
Altoona, Blair Co., PA, Friday, December 21, 1917
Walter F. Blake.
Word was received here of the death of Walter F. Blake,
who died in Denver, Col., Tuesday, December 11. His death occurred in a
hospital in Denver, following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Blake was
born at Martinsburg and was well known by many Martinsburg residents. He was
aged about 40 years at the time of his death. Besides his wife, he is
survived by his mother, Mrs. Alice Blake, of Harrisburg; also by two
brothers and two sisters.

Walter Francis Blake Gravestone
On May 7, 1918, Amy Blake filed for a Widow's
Pension for the service of her deceased husband, Walter Francis Blake .

Walter Francis Blake Pension Records for
his widow, Amy (Danley) Blake.
The 1920
U. S. Census taken on January 10, 1920, shows Millie S. Danley (age 52) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, is an unmarried Seamstress of Tents and
Awnings, and who owns her home free of a mortgage, and is living at 2947 South
Galpago, 1st Ward, City of Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO. Living with her are: her
widowed sister, Amy Blake (age 47) born in Illinois to Illinois-born parents;
and her divorced brother, William R. Danley (age 60) born in Illinois to
Illinois-born parents, a Grocery Store Butcher.
William R. Danley and Augusta
Keck were married April 12, 1920, in Denver, Denver Co., CO.

William R. Danley and Augusta Keck Marriage
The Journal and Courier,
Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN, Thursday, July 26, 1923
Miss Millie Danley, and sister, Mrs. Mary
Amy Blake, of Denver, Col., are the guests of J. H. Danley, of the supply
department living on Purdue street.
The 1930
U. S. Census taken on April 18, 1930, shows Millie S. Danley (age 62) born in
Illinois to Illinois-born parents, is an unmarried Seamstress at a Tent and
Awnings Company, and who owns her home worth $1,200 and is living at 2947 South
Galapago Street, 1st Ward, City of Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO. Living with her
is her widowed sister, Amy Blake (age 58) born in Illinois to Illinois-born
Mary Amy (Danley) Blake died September
27, 1932, in
Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO., at age 59. Buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Denver,
Denver Co., CO.
The 1940
U. S. Census taken on April 12, 1940, shows Millie Danley (age 72) born in
Illinois, and 5 years ago was living in the Same House, and with 8 years of
School, is an unmarried Head of Household, and who owns her house worth $250
free of a mortgage, and is living at 2947 South Fox. Living with her is her
widower brother, William R. Danley (age 81) born in Illinois, and 5 years ago
was living in the Same House, and with 8 years of School.
Rowland Danley died 1942, in Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO., at about age 83. Buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Denver,
Denver Co., CO.
Thomas Danley died 1947, in Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO., at about age 80. Buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Denver,
Denver Co., CO.
Millie Sue
Danley died 1948, in Englewood, Arapahoe Co., CO., at about age 81. Buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Denver,
Denver Co., CO.